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AKAI MPK49 Midi Keyboard

Digidesign DIGI 003 Interface

M-Audio Axiom 49

M-Audio Axiom 61

M-Audio Axiom Pro-49

M-Audio Oxygen 88

Novation Impulse 61

Novation LaunchKey 49 MK3

Samson Carbon 49 USB MIDI Keyboard

Midi Controllers Rental Europe - Amsterdam


Midi Controllers rental in the Netherlands or elsewhere in Europe. With backline rental company Artist on the Road it's possible! We offer complete backline rental and in our instruments rental catalogue you also will find 154 different kinds of piano keys for rent! At Artist on the Road we service midi controllers rental; keyboards rental; synthesizers rental; piano rental; organ rental; stage piano rental; key amplifiers rental and vintage pianos rental of different brands.


On this webpage you can take a look at our midi controllers rental catalogue. Please feel free to contact us if you have any questions, or if you’re looking for a specific type of product. We’re constantly expanding our rental catalogue and we will be happy to help you out.


You’ll find our piano keys (pianos, keyboards, organ, synthesizers, stage pianos) and key amplifiers on their own webpage and we also supply complementary accessories to add on to your midi controller rental.


The midi controllers that we supply for rental:

M-Audio Axiom 61; M-Audio Axiom 49; M-Audio Axiom Pro-49; Novation Impulse 61; M-Audio Oxygen 88; Samson Carbon 49 USB MIDI Keyboard; Digidesign DIGI 003 Interface; AKAI MPK49 Midi Keyboard; Novation LaunchKey 49 MK3.